Planned massacre of Burmese Muslims

11 April 2013

In Burma, massacre of Muslims is being done ruthlessly and the world is silent. Do you not hear the deafening silence of the UN, so called world community and the hypocrites in our Muslims world?Would you believe that this genocide where over 20,000 M uslims have already been butchered, burnt, raped, drowned and murdered and nearly 100,000 thousand forced to leave their homes, has been triggered by a FALSE NEWS report released by a journalist! This is the sinister power of media that we are so familiar.

Today, the world is silent on this Genocide. By Allah, we hold Burmese government responsible for this atrocity. Bangladesh has refused to allow these poorest Muslim refugees to enter the country. We ask Bangladeshis to raise their voice and help these brothers and sisters in faith. If you cannot help your brothers and sisters, at least recite fatiha for them!

Analysis of massacre of Burmese Muslims

On May 28th, a young lady was Murdered at Kyauk Ni Maw Village Rakhine  State, Myanmar. It was a tragic and ugly event.
Barely one week after the tragic death of young lady, on  3rd of June, ten innocent Muslims were beaten to death by 300 angry mobs at Taung Goke, Rakhine State, about ten miles from where the alleged murder case had taken place. It was even worse because all these people were mercilessly butchered to death because of the instigation against Muslims initiated by a racist Rakhine news portal known as Narinjara news, followed by many local online news and journals.
Narinjara, a Rakhine newsportal reported the tragic murder case  as a racial and religious crime by repeatedly accusing and posting the crime as being committed by “Muslim Kalars” ( Kalar is a derogatory word for Muslims of Myanmar similar to ‘Nigger’ to the black American in the US).
Instead of following the responsible journalist guidelines, the news portal directly and indirectly instigated hatred among different faiths of people living together for several years by using the word, ‘Muslim Kalar’  repeatedly.
Normally, the alleged culprits should be addressed as suspects, and their identity should be withheld until the court proceeding starts. The worse intentional mistake was when the accused names’ were released together with their faith and race (Muslim Kalar) by the said news portal.
Planned Instigation of religious hatred and evidence
It was neither a mistake nor a coincidence. It was a planned instigation of hatred against Muslims in Myanmar. The following is a link that the ‘Narinjara’ posted irresponsibly to instigate hatred against Muslims.
Words used for instigation:
Raped near Kalar Village (Muslim Village)
Raped by three Kalars  (Three Muslims)
Age of victims was wrong (Rushed reporting)
Tragic consequences
It was sad to hear that a woman was raped and murdered. But even before the police started the investigation, the culprit’s identities were published together with their faith and religion (Islam/Muslim) and they were guilty even before the angry mobs, who were mostly Rakhine Buddhists.
Photos of the culprits were freely floating over Internet, journals, followed by uncensored comments which were full of hatred not only against alleged culprits but also to all Muslims of Myanmar, and even to the  Prophet Mohammed and Islam.( I do not have sympathy to all accused and I wish death sentence for the criminals if they are found guilty, because the crime they allegdly commited caused eleven innocent lives.)
This is obviously an instigation of hatred against Muslims of Myanmar also intentionally cooperated by other major news portals where the editors allowed all hate comments against Muslims of Myanmar with profanity. The worst comments were the insults to our Holy Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) and to Islam.
The main culprits were not only the 300 mobs who ruthlessly killed ten innocent Muslim travelers, but also the news portal Nirajana and associate news portal which instigated the hate crime against the Muslims of Myanmar.
Mynamar's Official news blunder

The article above is an official newspaper report of Taung Gote Massacre. The news added the salt upon the wounds of all Muslims of Myanmar by saying all the dead people were Muslim Kalars, which Ko Mya Aye, an 88-student leader said he was shocked to read the news in that manner. Later, the Ministry of Information apologized and corrected the news with the words, “Islam living in Myanmar. Even the government apologized and corrected the usage of  ‘Muslim Kalar’. The  Narinjara news, News Portal should immediately apologize for their words of hatred.
I am writing this post only for the purpose of finding truth and justice. The Myanmar Government has formed an Independent commission to inform the findings and recommendation to the President before the end of this month. I found no Muslim representative in the commission. We need to monitor the purpose of forming this commission whether that is to justify and cover up the killing, or really transparent to prevent the same tragic event in future. The role of the media is very important in this kind of hate crimes against race and religion as Myanmar’s current constitution clearly recognized freedom of worship of all faiths in the country. I hope those who are responsible directly and indirectly should be punished according to the law without fear or favor to prove the world that the Government and the people of Myanmar really love democracy and justice.

Statement of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan regarding the bloody tragedy of the Muslims of Burma

The Muslims of Burma have been facing such oppression and savagery for the past two months never previously witnessed in the history of mankind.

Mercilessly burning children, women and men like toasting sheep on fire is not only against every known law but something no man with any conscious can ever accept but unfortunately the Muslims of Burma are targets of such a gross crime. Not only that, but they are also being expelled from their lands, forcefully ejected from their homes, their wealth is being usurped! and their honor looted while the whole world turns a blind eye to their plight.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, besides considering this crime a black scar on the history of mankind, calls on the government of Burma to immediately put a stop to this savagery and barbarism and halt such heart rending historical violations against humans and humanity. They should realize that this is not only a crime against the Muslims of Burma but against all humankind and especially an unforgivable crime against the entire Muslim world.

Alongside this, the Islamic Emirate calls on the international community, especially all human right organizations and groups and all the governments and nations of the world particularly the governments and people of the Islamic world and primarily the Arab nations to take immediate actions against this tragedy. It is very deploring that thousands of humans, mostly women and children, are savagely burnt publically without anyone taking any notice.

The Islamic Emirate also calls on all international media outlets especially Al-Jazeera network to fulfill its moral and humanitarian obligation by exposing this barbarism and informing the people about its realities.

Similarly, the international educational centers especially those of the Islamic community, the scholars, politicians, intellectuals, writers and in fact all people should fulfill their obligations against this cruelty and terror on un-proportional levels.

Source: (

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