What world leaders say about Kashmir

5 February 2013

By Abdul Majid Zargar

Today when the world is celebrating Kashmir Solidarity day,let us have a look at what leaders and personalities from all across the world have said about Kashmir from time to time
World leaders have stressed the need to resolve the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan to avoid an eventuality that may cause a catastrophe in the region. Kashmir is the nuclear flash point of South Asia, surrounded by three nuclear powers and its resolution is of paramount importance. Here is what some of them, as indeed some Indians themselves have said:

Kashmir is the world's most beautiful prison - John Walls Cushnahan, Head of European Parliament delegation to Kashmir.

Kashmir is the world’s most dangerous place- Bill Clinton, Former President USA.

The question of plebiscite is still valid in Jammu and Kashmir and can be invoked for a permanent solution of the issue, which is bone of contention between Pakistan and India - Margaret Thatcher, Former British Prime Minister.

British had a role in creation of problems of Kashmir - David Camaroon- British Prime Minister.

Kashmir is a problem left over by history.  We will try utmost and spare no efforts for the peaceful resolution of this issue - Zhu Rongji, Prime Minister of China.

The UN resolutions asking for referendum in Kashmir is the most democratic and reasonable solution to the Kashmir issue - Kim Dae-Jung, Ex President of Republic of Korea.

We will continue supporting Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination - PresidentMohammad Khatami of Iran.

Kashmir is a nuclear flashpoint - Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand.
India and Pakistan should resolve Kashmir dispute in the interest of peace in South Asia and the rest of the world - Russian President Vladimir Putin.

All of us remain concerned that the issue of Jammu and Kashmir should be solved through peaceful negotiations and should be willing to lend all the strength we have to the resolution of this matter - Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa.
The incidence of sexual violence in Jammu and Kashmir is highest amongst the conflict-ridden regions in the world… Almost 99.2 percent of people reported having confronted crackdowns and search operations between 1989 and 2005… Almost everyone detained, whether legally or illegally, had been subjected to torture - Medecins Sans Frontiers Report of 2006
We feel that the Kashmiri people deserve to have their own life within their own political entity. India can save the world from the possible disaster if it has the wisdom to remove the continuing fear of war - Saudi Crown Prince Abdul Bin Abdul Aziz.

I feel concerned for the Kashmir dispute. Azerbaijan will continue to support Pakistan’s position on Kashmir - Haider Ali Raza Oglu Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan.

Turkey fully supports for early implementation of the United Nations resolutions on Kashmir - Ismat Inono, Prime Minister of Turkey.

The UN resolutions on an issue cannot become “old or irrelevant”. Adoption of double standards or choosing selectively in the matter of UN resolutions or those in respect of violation of human rights is highly regrettable and unforgivable. India is also using rape as an instrument of state policy to humiliate & subjugate Kashmiri people - George Galloway, British MP.
Kashmir is a thorny issue and unless India takes initiatives to resolve this key problem, peace in South Asia remains threatened - Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Tsutomu Hata.

We view Kashmir as a disputed territory and that means that we do not recognize that Instrument of accession as meaning that Kashmiris forever are an integral part of India - Robin Rafael, US Assistant Secretary of State.
The freedom struggle of Kashmiris should not be termed as ‘terrorism’ - J. A. Guerra, Foreign Minister of Cuba.
We profess democracy, but rule by force in Kashmir - Jay Parkash Narayan to Indira Gandhi in 1960
India and Pakistan should opt for a third party mediation on Kashmir issue - Alexander Stubb, Foreign Minister of Finland.

Peace and stability in Kashmir is essential for improving security in the Sub-Continent - Dr Bernard Bot, Dutch Foreign Minster.

Jammu and Kashmir conflict is a flashpoint between Pakistan and India. It must be addressed with great care and responsibility - Jonas Gahr, Foreign Minister of Norway
The right of self-determination to which the peoples of Jammu and Kashmir became entitled as part of the process of partition has neither been exercised nor abandoned, and thus remains exercisable today. Unless the Kashmiris themselves can be made to feel that they have been given the freedom to choose their destiny, the issue may never be laid to rest - International Commission of Jurists, 1996.

In an effort to gain an economic advantage in a potentially sizable market, the international community is condoning India’s human rights record more particularly in Kashmir as well as ignoring their moral responsibility to demand an end to all government- directed-and-sponsored massive abuses in Kashmir. India also maintained its reputation as one of the dangerous places in the world for human rights activists - Human Rights Watch, 1997.

The OIC upholds the fundamental human rights of the people of Kashmir and the exercise of the right to self-determination in accordance with relevant UN resolutions and condemn the massive violations of their human rights - OIC Summit Declaration of March 24, 1999.

The incidence of sexual violence in Jammu and Kashmir is highest amongst the conflict-ridden regions in the world… Almost 99.2 percent of people reported having confronted crackdowns and search operations between 1989 and 2005… Almost everyone detained, whether legally or illegally, had been subjected to torture - Medecins Sans Frontiers  Report of 2006.

We profess democracy, but rule by force in Kashmir - Jay Parkash Narayan to Indira Gandhi in 1960
The right of self-determination to which the peoples of Jammu and Kashmir became entitled as part of the process of partition has neither been exercised nor abandoned, and thus remains exercisable today. Unless the Kashmiris themselves can be made to feel that they have been given the freedom to choose their destiny, the issue may never be laid to rest - International Commission of Jurists, 1996
India should fulfill promise of holding a plebiscite in Occupied Kashmir. I personally visited Kashmir and witnessed the sufferings of Kashmiris - Raj Mohan Gandhi, Grandson of Mahatama Gandhi.

India stands morally isolated in occupied Kashmir on account of its continuous humiliation of the ordinary Kashmiris. During my visit to the occupied territory, I witnessed every Kashmiri yearning for liberation from the cruel and merciless yoke of India. The strength of Indian army deployed in occupied Kashmir can be gauged from the fact that almost every Kashmiri has to go through the ugly, vicious and humiliating search every day at every ten steps and every nook and corner of their own land. There is one armed personnel for every ten people in the troubled region. Clearly, this percentage shows that prime purpose of the Indian army is to crush the common voice of the Kashmiris. It is an army of occupation - Arundhati Roy, renowned writer.

Whether we like it or not, the fact is that historically and constitutionally Jammu and Kashmir is a special case, and there still is a dispute about it. The Simla Agreement, which is our constant refrain, in fact specifically mentions that Jammu and Kashmir is an unresolved problem between India and Pakistan, which is to be peacefully sorted out - Dr Karan Singh, Former Sadri Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir.

We support right of self-determination for people of Kashmir - Swantatra Party Manifesto, which later merged with Janta Party in 1977 and of which BJP is an offshoot
As an Indian I believe in the Constitution of India. I endorse the Kashmiris’ right to demand independence from India because the values of occupation are not the values of the founding fathers of the Indian Constitution. Forcing a nation to identify itself with the Indian Union is not the spirit of Indian Constitution. If the idea of India is one where the self appointed guardians of nationalism decide what national interest is and then want to see in jail those who don’t agree with that version of national interest, we must all secede from such an India. We are all Kashmiris! - Shivam Vij, writer.

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