Afghanistan: Achievements of Mujahideen in 2012

6 February 2013

2012 in Afghanistan was a year full advancements and achievements. We can unmistakably state that 2012 in Afghanistan for the current occupation was exactly as 1986 was for the former occupation during which they completely lost their will to fight and practically began the process of withdrawal and retreat.

Penning down all the incidents for 2012 in one article is not possible however we will still strive to highlight some of the important military, political, cultural and social events of the year in this article. 

First: Jihadi fronts

Jihadi operations in 2012 were several times higher than the previous years, a reality even testified to by the enemy. On the 26th of June, 2012, a reputable newspaper ‘The Wall Street Journal’ writes while quoting unnamed American officials that Mujahideen attack in 2012 increased 21 percent compared to previous year, adding that 3000 attacks were carried out by Mujahideen in the month of May on foreign invaders. In another similar confession on July 17, 2012, the spokesperson of the regime’s Defense Ministry stated that Taliban attacks have increased 40 percent. With the increase in operations in 2012, enemy casualties also spiked relatively regarding which Hamid Karzai, during a parliament session on 26th of June, said that 20 to 25 security personnel are killed daily in Taliban attacks. So if we multiply 25 by 360 = 9000 therefore the casualties suffered in 2012 climbs into the thousands and not as recently stated by the Defense Ministry which put the fatality figures a few over one thousand even though its spokesperson (Zahir Azimi) put the fatality figures at 600 only for the months of July and August so is it plausible that for the remaining ten months, they only suffered 400 fatalities? Similarly, the claim of Americans that they only lost 400 troops in 2012 also seems fatuous because they themselves declared in June that 3000 attacks were carried out against them in the month of May. If we take this admission of the invaders as an average for the entire year then that equals 36000 attacks hence 400 American fatalities means that the Taliban only managed to kill 1 American trooper in an average of 90 attacks; this clearly shows that this claim is inane and unacceptable to every sound mind.

Attacks against enemy air power

2012 in Afghanistan was a year full of losses for the American air force, helicopters and UAVs. 11 aircrafts were lost, 9 during an assault on Shorab airbase on 16th of September and 2 during shelling of Bagram airbase, one of which was the plane of the current American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey. Alongside this, 29 enemy helicopters were eliminated by Mujahideen in the various provinces of Afghanistan in 2012, most of which were shot down and a few parked on ground e.g. 2 American helicopters destroyed while parked on the tarmac during an attack on their base on 18th October in Zurmat district of Paktia province. It should be stated that most of the helicopters shot down were also confessed to by the enemy while others were denied or covered under the title of ‘hard landings’ or ‘technical difficulties’ in accordance with their known policy e.g. on 5th October, an ISAF military helicopter was shot down by Mujahideen near Logar provincial capital and despite its footage (wreckage on fire) making rounds on several websites, the Defense Ministry denied the shoot down and labeled it a normal ‘hard landing’ incident.
Similarly, Mujahideen also shot down 16 enemy UAVs throughout the year in the various provinces of Afghanistan.   

Large and headline grabbing operations

Besides carrying out their normal daily attacks, Mujahideen also executed toll-afflicting and message-broadcasting operations amongst which is the twin martyrdom operation on the police and border forces in Kandahar; martyrdom attack on Kandahar airbase on 5th May; a 24 hour simultaneous martyrdom attack by 20 Mujahideen on 3 sites in Kabul city and similarly, in Nangarhar, Logar and Paktia provinces on 15th April; more than a hundred invaders killed and wounded on 1st June in a 10-man martyrdom operation on Camp Salerno in Sahrabagh of Khost province; large scale attacks in the same month on US bases in Kandahar city, Shahwalikot and Spin Boldak districts; freeing of inmates from Saripul prison in assault on 7th June; heavy attacks on French contingents in Tagab and Najrab districts of Kapisa on 9th June; martyrdom attack on 21st June in Khost on joint enemy forces; martyrdom attack on 22nd June on key enemy officials in Spoghmi Hotel in Qargha of Kabul; powerful truck bomb on Khadr base in Logar on 7th August; destruction of Joint Chiefs of Staff (Martin Dempsey) plane in attack on Bagram airbase; successful car bomb attack on Kandahar police chief and chief of border forces (General Abdul Razziq) on 28th August in Kadahar city; 15-man awe striking attack on Camp Bastion on 19th September in Shorab of Helmand; successful large-scale operation in Darwuj district of Badakhshan province and detaining of 24 police on 29th September; attack on deputy of Hamid Karzai (Kareem Khalili) on 15th October in Sheikh Ali district of Parwan; truck bomb attack on large US base in Zurmat district of Paktia on 18th October; complete annihilation of American logistical company ‘Supreme Group’ in Bagram area of Parwan on 20th October; martyrdom attack on 21st October on CIA center in Wazir Akbar Khan area of Kabul city; large martyrdom operation on enemy facilities in Maidan Shahr on 23rd November; heavy martyrdom attack on Jalalabad airbase on 2nd December; successful martyrdom operation on Intelligence Chief (Asadullah Khalid) on 7th December; martyrdom attack on 26th December on intelligence officials in front of CIA facility in old Khost airbase and other such operations.

Insider attacks

Attacks which put final nail in the coffin of the invaders will and morale as well as shook their feet and forced them to abandon all hope were operations by infiltrator Mujahideen a.k.a. insider attacks. Even though attacks by Afghan security forces on foreign invaders was not uncommon however such attacks picked up deadly pace last year and played a significant role in causing the invaders heavy casualties. The fatality toll from such attack was put at over 50 by reports however the actual casualty figures of foreign troops, police and Arbakis runs into the hundreds. The latest incident took place on the 24th of December in the Interior Ministry of Kabul when a female officer (Nargis) killed a high ranking American advisor with a handgun. These attacks inside the enemy ranks compelled the enemy to recognize them as a dangerous and frightening tactic. The American Joint Chiefs of Staff labeled it a serious threat for his troops.    

Enemy withdrawal and liberation of country

To sum up 2012 in one sentence it would be ‘The beginning of the invaders scamper’. Thirty thousand American troops fled from the heated battle fields this year and on top of this, France brought its combat mission to an end and withdrew all its forces the same way they had come; Belgium began its retreat on 7th of August by withdrawing 230 troops; New Zealand followed suit and declared early withdrawal after attacks on its troops in Bamiyan and the Prime Minister of Britain also jumped on the retreat bandwagon be announcing early withdrawal of its troops from Helmand province during a visit to Afghanistan.
The foreign troops deserted many of their outposts from most parts of Afghanistan in 2012. They officially announced abandonment of 400 key outposts despite the fact that the actual number is many times higher because they quit 90 outposts only in the district of Marjah, Helmand province. The Americans left the countryside of the North and Central Afghanistan and confined their presence to the provincial capitals. To hide their defeat and embarrassment, they termed this retreat from north and central Afghanistan as step by step ‘security transfer’ which will keep continuing. In reality, they want to flee from Afghanistan just as they turned tail and ran from Vietnam. When America faced utter destruction in Vietnam, they came up with the formula ‘declare victory and run’ and want to utilize the formula of ‘transfer security and run’ here in Afghanistan. It must be stated that the fleeing of invaders is a positive step for our countrymen because as the invasion is rolled up, the vast swaths of the country will automatically be liberated and the shadow of occupation will be lifted from the nation.

To end, all the above Mujahideen achievements can only and only be ascribed to the help of Allah Almighty because such victories of the empty handed Afghans against such mighty and blood thirsty powers cannot come to fruition without divine intervention. 

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