French Intervention in Mali: It's 'War on Muslims'

7 February 2013

By Umar Sani

The United Nations and West are silently watching the butchering of Muslims at the hands of Assad’s Forces in Syria, and have failed to stop the daily massacres. Their claims of Human rights are once again exposed. Compare the situation of Syria with Libya where Western forces (NATO) led by US, intervened under the pretext of protecting the Libyan people from Gadafi’s regime. Only few hundred people were killed by Gadafi’s forces while as almost 100000 people have been butchered by the brutal Asad forces. Asad has used all means including mass murder, rape, phosphorus bombs, assassinations, etc. to silence the Syrian people who have risen to end his barbaric dictatorship. Gadafi was also a dictator, but was very popular in Libya and thousands of people fought on his side against the rebels during the war. There was no civil war like situation in Libya but still, NATO intervened in Libya and Gadafi, leader of a sovereign country was killed in cold blood by French Special Forces in Sirte. But in United States’ book of logic, there is no need of intervention in Syria.

This shows the double standards of UN, USA and the west on human rights who interfered in Libya on mere killing of few hundred people but are silent on butchering of Syrians by Assad forces. West has nothing to do with the human rights and freedom of people of these countries, its only aim is to loot their Abundant natural resources. It uses different pretexts to fulfill its evil designs in the Muslim world. Some have been attacked under the pretext of fake ‘War on terror’ like Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, etc. some for having ‘never to be found’ weapons of mass destruction like Iraq. Some for their mineral resources like Libya. They also want to prevent the return of Khilafah in the Muslim world.

 Now the latest victim of the west’s so called ‘War on Terror’ is a poor Muslim-dominated African country, Mali. France has launched a full ground operation in Mali supported by its air force under codename ‘Operation Serval’.

This shows the double standards of UN, USA and the west on human rights who interfered in Libya on mere killing of few hundred people but are silent on butchering of Syrians by Assad forces.
In mali, an Islamic group, Ansar Deen ,which has a strong hold on northern Mali and wants to implement the Islamic Shariah law in whole mali has been declared a terrorist group. Ansar deen has never been involved in any attack on the west, but has been suddenly declared as a major threat to the west.  Actually, the French intervention in mali is all about gold. Mali is the third largest producer of gold in Africa after South Africa and Ghana, but is poorly governed and thus vulnerable to foreign intervention.

France has used the same old pretext of ‘war on terror’ to implement its neo-imperialistic designs in Mali. French plans in Mali include installing a puppet democratic setup, taking hold of Mali’s gold reserves, make mali its permanent base in Africa and prevent Ansar Deen from implementing Islamic Shariah Law in Mali.

The question that remains to be answered is, how long will western powers fool the world in the name of ‘War on terror’. The world should realize that it is not ‘War on terror’ but the ‘War of terror’ , the ‘War on Muslims’.

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