Golden Mien: Islamic re-structuring of World Order [Part 3]

8 May 2013

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) asked his emissaries to visit various capitals, once the Islamic republic of Medina was established inviting the reigning monarchs to the fold of Islam, in order to establish international understanding and peace. Caesar Heracles (Harkal) of the Roman Empire treated the envoy with envoy with respect while as Chosroe Parvaiz of Iran did it with contempt. He called the envoys savages of the desert, fed on camel milk and clad in rags. Heracles on the contrary wanted to understand the phenomenon that had overtaken Arabs--hitherto unknown players of international power dynamics of 7th century. 

Heracles asked for a respected Arab leader of a caravan to be presented in the royal court. The caravans would frequent the international financial market, that was Damascus in and around 7th century of Christian era. Incidentally Abu Sufian-nemesis of Islamic march in its earliest phases was present in Damascus. Before we dwell on what transpired between Heracles and Abu Sufian, we need to understand that Arabs of pre-Islamic era though ignorant, arrogant, and envious, were nevertheless chivalrous and to an extent truthful. Abu Sufian conceded that the Prophet Mohammad [pbuh] was truthful, never ever did he lie, however they were disinclined to accept his Prophethood. This set Heracles thinking--truthful yet unacceptable, an Arab [pbuh] of some standing claiming to be a Prophet (pbuh). However, he couldn’t reach a conclusion. 

This was one of the earliest interactions between Islam and Christendom in a long trail of events, a historical backdrop worth recounting. We might as well recall the interaction with Ethiopian monarch [Najashi of Habash] who was benevolent in accommodating the early Muslims seeking refuge from the tortuous life in Mecca. There is also a record of Prophet Mohammad [pbuh] interacting with Christian monks on his travels to Damascus with Arab Caravans, while he was still to be invested with Prophethood. Those were early days; however he was investing his intellect, his vision, his foresight to get to the truth…the ultimate truth.

We might get on with the envoy tale. Caesar Heracles accorded respect to the envoy carrying peace tides, the prince of a Byzantine vassal state, near Hejaz—Syria border on the contrary murdered the Muslim envoy. This led to the punitive expedition led by Hazrat Zaid (RA) who started his life as a slave, and was later adopted as his son by Prophet Mohammad [pbuh] until adoption was ruled out in an edict of ‘Holy Quran’. In the campaign at ‘Mota’ in the border area, Hazrat Zaid (RA) achieved martyrdom. On return of the forces under his command, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) immediately appointed seventeen years old Hazrat Osama ibn Zaid [RA] to succeed his illustrious father and had the eminent associates [Suhaba-e-Karam] serve in his command. None demurred--such was the discipline Prophet (pbuh) had worked out by his incomparable management of men and matters.

The year was 632 A.D, 10th year of Hegira, the year Prophet Mohammad (AS) chose to leave for his heavenly abode, yet remain living for his spreading Ummah, who in their zeal live by his word and deed (Sunnah). The word and deed, which symbolizes what Mother of Books  [Umm-ul-Kitab] Holy Quran lays down, earning the holiest of holy—Prophet Mohammad [pbuh] another one of his multiple attributes-- Quran-e-Natiq [the spoken/moving Quran] 

Hazrat Abu Bakr Sidiq [RA] the first of rightly guided Caliphs [Khulfa-e- Rashdain] kept the command of Osama ibn Zaid (RA) intact, even though there were muted voices of concern whether a seventeen year old would be up to executing the difficult command. The Caliph (RA) would have none of it.  However gentle in disposition and demeanor, he showed the steel in his character, which was unknown and unseen until the time he assumed the Caliphate of Islamic Ummah.

As Osama ibn Zaid (RA) was leaving Madina Munawara with forces in his command, the Caliph (RA) was seen walking while holding the bridle of his horse, advising him to remain seated and listen to what he has to say on the guidelines of his command. These are the words worth weighing in gold, as quoted in Ameer Ali’s famous History of Saracens,  
“See that thou avoidest treachery. Depart not in any wise from the right. Thou shalt mutilate none; neither shalt thou kill child or aged man, nor any woman. Injure not the date palm, neither burn it with fire, and cut not down any tree wherein is food for man or beast. Slay not the flocks or herds or camels, saving for needful sustenance. You may eat of the meat which the men of the land shall bring unto you in their vessels, making mention thereon of the name of the Lord. And the monks with shaven heads, if they submit, leave them unmolested. Now march forward in the name of the Lord, and may He protect you from sword and pestilence” 

In 7th century, it looks a word and world above, what was adopted in Geneva Convention in the conduct of war in 20th century.

We may continue with the narrative on Syrian Campaign next Friday.
Yaar Zinda, Sohbat Baqi [Reunion is subordinate to survival

By Dr. Javid Iqbal

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