Malala attack: Taliban Speaks!

15 July 2013

All Praise is due to Allah, The Glorious, The All-Mighty. And may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions. Peace be upon those who follow the Guidance...

Almost four months on from a seemingly insignificant event in North-Western Pakistan, a headline echoed in a recent English newspaper:

“Peace icon Malala Yousafzai underwent successful surgery at a British hospital to reconstruct her skull and help restore lost hearing.”

By now, probably the entire world knows about this not-so-young ‘peace icon’ who has seemingly managed to charm the entire world with her “heroic” antics. She apparently ‘risked her life’ to promote ‘education’, ‘peace’ and ‘moderation’ in the world - something the ‘ignorant’, ‘extremist’, ‘terrorists’ can’t just seem to understand! What a story! As a perfect example of the devilish power of this uncontrollable media, this incident highlights the massive effect this media has in creating a desired global public opinion. And who doesn’t know the working hands behind the goo that is served up on the tube? The major media companies of the world are not owned by people intending to establish Shariah after all.

Malala Yousafzai was/is a young girl from the valley of Swat in North-Western Pakistan. This city is part of the blessed chain of locations that saw the beauty of Islamic Shariah in the 21st century. Anyone who has experienced the inner and outer peace that pervades blissfully through the land on which Allah’s Law is enforced will definitely know how wonderful a setting transpires.

My Lord’s Command is what I desire
It is my religion, it is my life
If only Allah’s Love could be witnessed by sight
The thorns would melt and the heavens would light!

Only a fool or someone overcome by the doleful whispers of Satan would dare transgress the limits set by Allah, The Creator of the Heavens and the earth. This Shariah that the whole world seems to fear is nothing but the Command of Allah as to how He The Exalted wants humankind to behave collectively. And in it, lies the natural order...

But we live during the end of times. And so, Satan is having his last hurrah. Let us reflect upon a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad as we search for that elusive “truth of the matters”:

“Soon, a greatly deceitful time is going to come upon the people; (at that time) the liar would be considered truthful and the truthful would be considered a liar; the betrayer would be considered trustworthy and the trustworthy would be considered a betrayer. And (at that time), the ‘Ruwaybidha’ would speak.” ‘The Prophet was asked,’ “What are the Ruwaybidha?” ‘He replied,’ “That insignificant (ignorant) man who will speak about the issues of the people.”

[Sunnan Ibn Majah,Musnad Imam Ahmad]

Unfortunately almost the entire world media is filled with such people. These same insignificant, ignorant people who hold key political and social positions for the masses have managed to make a criminal young woman into an ‘international superstar’, soon on the way to ‘Nobel stardom’. So, what really is the story of Malala? Why is the global Kufr media so keen on playing her role as an iconic victim of ‘terrorist principles’? Why not turn over the curtain and peek over at what the other side is thinking? Enter... The Taliban!

Malala Yousafzai’s father was the head of a ‘Khushal Public School’ in Mingora Swat. Ziauddin Yousufzai was another one of those red herrings of the Islamic world who left the purity of Islam for the wicked, secular, satanic ways of the disbelieving west. According to what was reported regarding his background, he had nurtured huge plans for his small school and had dreamt of turning it into a college or even a university. He was looking for donors in this regard. All Praise is to Allah that Allah Has Shown the Taliban the erroneous reality of this ‘education system’ that the West so ardently seeks to implement upon the Muslims.

Knowledge shorn of revelation from Allah, materialism, impiety and an amalgam of Kufr philosophies do not make an “Education” . 
Obviously, the reality of this education system that the West seeks to subjugate the Muslim world to needs to be discussed in detail. Insha Allah, this will be the subject of an upcoming study. For now, we will suffice with a fleeting view (a bit later on). So, as an initial measure to restore real peace in the region, the Taliban ordered the girls who went to school in the region to wear veils. But even such a step was not tolerated by the disbelievers and their allies and they subsequently employed military services to stop the people from obeying the Commands of Allah:

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and protect their private parts and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their ‘Juyubihinna’ (bodies, necks, faces, bosoms)...”

[The Glorious Quran - 24:31]

According to reports, (Malala’s father) Ziauddin Yousufzai’s father had kicked him out of the house for his secular views when he was young. This woeful man henceforth retained his misguided outlook and nurtured his daughter on these rebellious principles.

Ah! What a shame... An Ummati of Muhammad ... a girl who could have spent her life in the Service of Allah, a girl who could have lived her life as a pious reminder of the truly great women of all time such as Khadija (RA), Maryam (RA), Aasia (RA)...

“And Maryam, the daughter of Imran, who guardedher chastity...” [66:12]

Allah Honored these women for their piety and honor by mentioning them in His Glorious Book that was destined to be recited till the Day of Judgment. Such is the reward of those who obey Allah! But unfortunately, Ziauddin was ignorant of such beautiful aspirations. He brought up his daughter on a secular lifestyle from the start. The fellows at BBC hatched a little plan with Ziauddin to orchestrate a media campaign against the Taliban. A diary! A young school going girl starts writing about how oppressive the Shariah is and how ‘backward’ the Taliban are! Great story. A BBC Documentary shows dear old Malala wishing to be a doctor on International Television and her wise father wishing for her to be a politician! Al-Jazeera Channel had a recorded video that showed Ziauddin and his daughter asking Richard Holbrooke for aid (dough) such that education (the kuffar’ idea of education) may be spread in the area. What a noble objective! This ‘caring’ father Ziauddin even allowed his daughter to go without veil on documentaries - in meetings with Kafir journalists; he even allowed her to be filmed while sleeping and waking up, according to reports, thus breaking a great many Rules of the Shariah. Allah Says:

“Know they not that whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger , certainly for him will be the fire of Hell to abide therein. That is the extreme disgrace.” [9:63]

May Allah Save us all from the torment of Hellfire. Malala’s diary, written by the pen-name of ‘Gul Makai’ reeks of a Kufr mindset that I believe no human being who has an ounce of ‘Iman’ (faith) in his heart can dare possess. The diary was ordered to be written by Ziauddin who probably had lost all his self-respect for the meager price of paper money.
The brainwashed Malala obliged vehemently (if she indeed wrote the diary):

“My father told me to write a diary for the BBC. I thought that this was a chance for me to write down what I feel and to expose the real face of the Taliban to the world as to what they are doing inSwat.”  [Interview with BBC]

So, the girl began to write the diary. It remains to be seen whether Malala was actually the writer of the diary or not. Regardless, ‘Gul Makai’ managed to write:

“Nowadays, an incident has become quite famous in Swat. This other day, a woman wearing a ‘shuttle cock’ Burqa (veil) fell down on the way. When a man tried to help her get up, the woman refused him saying, ‘Forget it brother! Don’t pick me up so that Maulana Fazullah can feel at peace.”

Witness how awful this diary entry is! “Shuttle cock Burqa”? Who uses this sort of language? A Muslim? Allah is The One Who Ordered the Veil - Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, All-Powerful, All-Mighty! Oh young girl! Did you not read Allah’s Verdict regarding those who mocked His Signs?

“If you ask them (about this), they declare: ‘We were only talking idly and joking’ Say: ‘Was it at Allah and His Ayat (verses, signs, revelations) that you were mocking? Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you have believed.” [9:65-66]

Islam is the religion of Allah - the true path, the straight road. Whoever mocks any aspect of Allah’s Religion leaves the fold of Islam. Allah Has made it clear. So, Malala and the ‘Gul Makai’ crowd should not expect anything but enmity from the people who love Allah’s Religion.

Malala further writes:

“My little brother often prays that Oh Allah! Please bring peace in Swat. If not, then bring America or China here.”
[Malala’s Diary] 
“Maulana Shah Dauran said in his speech that three thieves would be lashed tomorrow. Whoever wants to see the Tamasha (entertaining event) should be there. I’m surprised how much we’ve been oppressed and even then the people go to watch.”

“I turned on the radio today and I got surprised that a woman was doing a programme and people were requesting their favorite songs by phone. Father told me that this was a Government channel. I Hear Pashto songs after quite a while!”

All these entries show the real wicked intent with which this diary was written. Calling the Hudood of Allah on the thief as ‘oppression’, expressing pleasure at hearing music on the radio and having the audacity to utter Allah’s Name while saying that America or China should arrive to bring ‘peace’ in the area... Glory be to Allah! We seek His Refuge from such outrage.

Who hates the Shariah of Allah? Who desires that the people turn away from the Commands of Allah? Who likes music and the spread of immorality?

“Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to commit Fahsha (evil deeds, immorality, sins etc.)...” [Quran - 2:267]

So, these words are from the design of Satan – an outcome of his evil whisperings that he continually transfers to his allies from among the humans and jinn. These words are from the allies of Satan who wish to extinguish Allah’s Light of Shariah. Allah Informed us of these desires:

“They (the disbelievers, Jews and Christians) wantto extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths but Allah Will Not Allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the disbelievers hate it.” [9:32]

BBC, the International media and their allies are the satans who use their mouths to try to damage Islam by their various plots. Malala was just another pawn in a very big propaganda game. Do these Kuffar know how the religion of Allah Works? Malala and her father were fully responsible, direct allies of the global crusader campaign that intends to destroy the Shariah of Allah. The Muslim Ummah should not be deceived by this wretched and ignorant media. Nor should they harbor in their hearts any bad feeling towards the Mujahideen who are sacrificing their lives so that real peace reigns on earth. This girl Malala and her father directly caused harm to the religion of Allah. They mocked the commands of Allah and helped the Kuffar against the Muslims. They are not innocent! They are guilty... Guilty in the
Court of Allah...

What ‘peace’ does this girl stand for that requires implementation by America or China? The peace that sees entire populations of the Red Indian race wipe out? The peace that the Japanese experienced when nuclear bombings destroyed entire generations of human beings? That peace that allows the killing of millions of children in Iraq? The peace that sees the entire generations of aboriginals being wiped out by convicts? The peace that has already resulted in two massive world wars? The peace that allows a few families of the world to oppress the rest of mankind and allocate all the riches for themselves? The peace that sees innocents die everyday for the last fifty plus years in Gaza? What peace does this Malala stand for? And the world seems to be at a loss to understand this act of ‘blatant terrorism’. Plus the idiotic leadership of Pakistan is till now paying visits to Britain to ask about the health of this oh-not-so-young fully-responsible-for-heractions girl. Where are you oh traitors with regards to Dr. Afia Siddiqui? Is she not also a daughter of the nation? Where were you when scores and scores of Muslim women, pious, honorable were slaughtered inside a mosque of Allah in your own capital city? Answer! NO! You were from the perpetrators.

You do not care about Malalaand neither does she or herfather care about you. It is alla sad, sad capitalistic game. Ah, but Allah is Watching and He Shall surely call you all to account on a day when nosoul shall avail another...
As for the media - where was it when scores and scores of Muslim women and children were killed in this same Swat after the military excursion? Were they not fellow Muslim women too? What about the pregnant Chechen Muslim women who were shot down in Kharotabad (Balochistan) by the military?

What about the wife of the Indonesian Mujahid Umar Patik? How was that issue covered? Gaza, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq - how many Malalas’ faced shootings there? Certainly, the hearts are dead and
the minds have stopped functioning. Let the roofs fall and the planes crash... people have forgotten how to feel...

Malala stood for peace and education. But not the peace and education of Islam. She stood for the “peace” and education that the kuffar consider “peace” and “education”. Peace to the kuffar means the abolishment of the Shariah and education to them means the absolute freedom to decide rights and wrongs. On the other hand, peace in Islam means real tranquility that pervades the hearts and societies that obey Allah, His Messenger and His Religion. And education in Islam means knowledge about Allah, His Messenger and His Religion such that man may worship and serve Him Alone as He Deserves to be served. And to Allah we belong and to Him is our return.

Indeed, it is a conflict of beliefs, of ideals, of perspectives that surrounds the whole world at the moment. One group in this bi-polar world desires Islam and knows that it is the truth from their Kind and Merciful Lord, Allah. The other group is misguided, foolish and astray and seeks to take others along with it into the ignonimous darkness.

Woe to you Malala Yousafzai for you and your father chose the latter. Allah Blessed you with Islam and the Shariah for which millions of Muslims pray to Allah day and night! You were born in a Muslim society and you turned your back on Allah’s Religion. You and your father know that the Taliban are on the truth. You know that you are chasing the small goods of this material life. You know that you shall have to turn back to Allah Who Shall Surely question you about what you did. The Kuffar are not your friends. Didn’t you read in The Quran?

“... Verily, the disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies” [4:101]

And that,

“Let not the free disposal (and affluence) of the disbelievers throughout the land deceive you. A brief enjoyment; then, their ultimate abode is Hell; and worst indeed is that place for rest.” [3:197]

So do not be deceived by the systems of the Kuffar. These are but deception. Turn to Allah and seek forgiveness before death comes to you and your record book is closed. Did you not hear about Yvonne Ridley? She found Islam with the same Taliban you are running away from! You escaped once but who will save you from the torment of Allah if you do not turn back to Him?

Besides, the men of Allah are all over the world... and death comes as swift as the pull of a pious finger on a trigger.

So, let those who fear Allah from amongst the Muslims see the truth as truth. Malala was another feeble attempt of these disbelievers at harming the Muslims. We must not be deceived by it. Rather, we must judge everything according to the Shariah of Allah. It is light upon light, in this world and the Hereafter.

And Allah is the Guide to the Straight Path. MayPeace be upon those who follow the Guidance...

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