Most dangerous War

28 August 2013

As predicted the most dangerous battle ever to have been engineered will now manifest itself into the bloodiest war ever to be inflicted on to the people of the Middle East. Syrians have suffered at the hands of Bashar al Khanzeer and his Shabiha for nearly 3 years. They have suffered at the hands of the Americans and Israelis who have been funding disgusting terrorist mercenaries to carry out attacks on the muslimeen of Bilad al Sham to further their agenda of removing Bashar so they can replace him with someone just as corrupt and who in typical puppet fashion will only serve western interests.
They have suffered at the hands of the British and the Europeans who educated and protected the very barbarian they claim they want to remove in Syria.
They have suffered at the hands of Iran, "Lapdog and puppet of Russia" who continuously sends thousands of disgusting, sadistic revolutionary guards to attack the people of Syria backed with state of the art Russian made missiles, tanks and drones.
They have suffered at the hands of Noori al Maliki in Iraq, "Lapdog and puppet of the US" cunningly installed, after Iraq was illegally invaded and destoyed with a massacre which is vehemently still ongoing.
They have suffered at the hands of Hizbollaat from Lebanon who continuously commit genocide in cities like Banyas and Al Qusair.

These nations, Everyone of them! Are using the Syrians as human shields to further their own agendas. The attack in Damascus has been proven. Over are 1300 dead. In the grand scheme of over 150,000 killed in this entire massacre. Many believe the attack was carried out by the Bashar and his regime. Many also believe it was orchestrated by a group of rebels the Americans and Israelis are funding. "A very timely false flag operation". Obama that dispicable hypocrite! The token black president who served as a PR campaign for the Americans, speaks of people suffering and chemical weapons. This is the same man and the same country that provides the Israelis with chemical weapons every year who inturn use them on the Palestinians. This is the same nation who provides arms and funding for the cowardice Egyptian army who inturn kill thousands of innocent people in a matter of days with a remote controlled uprising against a democratically elected president. The same country who pounded Falluja with White Phosphorus.
Tony Blair the habitual lying coward, who helped Bush, butcher millions of Iraqis and Afghans, states he wants to now go to war with Syria?
Cameron who along with French and American counterparts, completely destroyed Libya in return for huge oil contracts which were flawlessly delivered through the treacherous royal families of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

All of these nations worked with Sadam. The man who gassed 5000 Kurds. No one questions the fact that planes he used to do it were provided by the US. The gas he used to kill them was provided by the British. People need to wake up fast. Note how recessions are used to syphon money from the masses to fund these wars. Now full scale invasions are too costly so "Uprisings" are used to destabilise countries and steal their resources. Israeli tear gas being used in Cairo by the Egyptian army who have now closed off all supply routes to Gaza, condemning them to be completely reliant on the Israelis once again. Israeli made weapons constantly being found on captured soldiers of Assads regime in Syria.

The Ummah cannot just restrict themselves to thinking bad of the situation! Do dua that the people of Burma, Palestine, Iraq, Bangladesh, Libya, Tunisia, Pakistan, Egypt, Kashmir, are given the power to repel these murdering extremists "Who will all unite to attack you" For anyone who still thinks this is not an attack on the Ahle Sunnah, your ignorance is either deliberate or you have safely joined that part of the Ummah who will remain as powerless as the "Froth of the ocean". This war in Syria will spread. As I and many have said in articles and videos before, "This war will not only destabilise the entire region but will have dangerous consequences across the globe" It is the premise for a world war. All the superpowers are currently fighting each other by proxy in Syria right now. Egypt and Turkey are testimony to this crippling effect. My suggestion would be to refer to the Hadiths that speak of Bilad al Sham instead of the Zionist/Israeli owned media if you are really wanting to know the severity of this predicament and how it will end.

The blood of the muslimeen will run knee deep in Damascus before this Fitan and destruction draws to a close. Help by whichever means you can! Be under no illusion, we will all be accounted for it. The humanitarian situation and death toll here in Syria is now about to get alot worse then it already is. Rest assured however. The Ummah has rapidly begun to unite. The black flags of peace have arrived from all over this Dunya in numbers only ever before imagined. They have come to protect and safeguard not only the Syrians but our entire Ummah from this calamity that has befallen them. Now all they need is for the rest of the Ummah to follow. The invaders can plot and plan. We all knows who the best of planners is. We also know who the victory will end with.

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