Why did Osama declare war on USA - Pt 1

12 December 2013

Osama Bin Ladin
This is an article written in response to a Question asked by an American citizen. The Question (posted online) reads:
    I’m an American, and I really don’t believe everything my government says. I was moved by the way the media dealt with the death of Osama bin Ladin. I thought he was hated by the Muslims because of his ways; at least, that’s what the officials told us in our country. I realized after his death that he was loved by most of you! I want to know exactly what Osama meant to you as Muslims. I want to know the truth from you, and not from the media, because I simply do not trust the media. Please be straightforward and honest. I really want to know the truth.
O American… I will tell you today about a man whose story is like a legend
His name is Osama, his father’s is Muhammad, and his grandfather’s is Awadh. So, his name is: Osama bin Muhammad bin Awadh bin Laden… His father Muhammad came from Yemen. Yemen – if you do not know – is one of the oldest lands on earth and from the best of civilizations; and it is the origin of Arabs. The young Muhammad traveled from Yemen to Jeddah, in the west of the Arabian Peninsula, working as a porter this self-made fellow promptly became the biggest construction contractor in the Arabian Peninsula, he was known by his straightforwardness, honesty, and persistence… He also made a strong relationship with the ruling family there.

I do not know – O American – how much you know about Islam, but I am telling you that Muslims have three holy mosques, which are: the Holy Mosque of Mecca, the Holy Mosque of the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Medina, and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, Jerusalem. There is no other holy place for Muslims other than these; I arranged them according to their importance and greatness for Muslims… You may know the Ka’ba, that cubic building which has a black cover in Mecca, if you looked around this simple building which was built by Prophet Ibrahim and his first son Ismail, the surrounding construction was built by Osama’s father “Muhammad”. If you looked for pictures of the holy mosque of Messenger Muhammad (may all praise by Allah be on him) in Medina and you see that beautiful superior building, Osama’s father “Muhammad” was honored with working on this building, and when Al-Aqsa mosque in Palestine was burned by the Jews – some decades ago – there was a contraction between the Arabs to rebuild the mosque, Osama’s father “Muhammad” gained the honor to rebuild this mosque also.

I told you Osama’s father is from Yemen, but I did not tell you that his mother is from Shaam. So, he is son of Yemen and Sham; these two regions are from the best civilizations in the world. So, Osama is the son of civilization and history, but he was born in Hejaz. Hejaz, is the oracle of Muhammad (peace be upon him), so here the mixture of civilization, history, and creed wove into a mixture that is Osama’s soul.

Osama’s father’s weight and business became larger and larger to the point that he gave the king of the Arabian Peninsula six months salaries of all the government employees; this was after a financial crisis there. After that, he gained a high status and great caliber between the kings and princes of the Arabian Peninsula. From this house, from this family, from this honor and dignity, and from this civilization and history: There was Osama.

Osama was raised in a good and rigid setting, his father – regardless of his wealth and caliber – was very careful to raise his children on seriousness, hard work, and persistence. So, Osama grew (up) as a religious, serious, and hard working man unlike other rich people’s children who grew immoral due to excess of wealth, status and caliber.

In his early youth there came about a great change in his life for the Red Soviet army entered the Muslim land of Afghanistan. The news began to reach the land of the two holy mosques – west of Arabian Peninsula – and Osama because of his serious religious nature was following up this news as other youth there; but he was not like them. Because Osama is a positive man and he could not be satisfied by just following up the news. He went many times to Pakistan the neighbor of Afghanistan. Finally, he decided to go to Afghanistan in ’82, that means before (29) years of age, he was (25) at this time. He waged Jihad with the Afghani Mujahideen against the Soviet (Union) until they beat them and kicked out the Soviets from Afghanistan. As a result of this historic rout of the Soviets; their country became Russia and a lot of countries disintegrated from it.

This was the first station in this young man’s life… then, a palatial dangerous event happened that changed the face of the world. That was the entrance of the American army into the land of the Arabian Peninsula in ’91 in which is the holiest places of Muslims. This was after Saddam Hussain entered Kuwait in ’90. Osama was warning the rulers of the Arabian Peninsula from Saddam’s intentions before this year, but they were not listening to him. Then, after Saddam entered Kuwait, Osama – with his Mujahideen – offered the princes of the Arabian Peninsula to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, but they preferred the Americans and its ally’s armies to enter the Arabian Peninsula, oracle of Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). And Osama’s hunch was right when he stated to the people that these armies have come to stay.

This event was truly the historic moment which lead to the change of events on earth… this was the first time in history that a non-Muslim army entered the land of the Two Holy Mosques, this army is enumerated by half a million fully armed men, and this is the first time that the Arabian peninsula’s princes allowed a non-Muslim army to enter the land of oracle and Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) Peninsula… You were right – O American – when you said that you do not believe your government, they said to the world that the 9/11 event is the historic moment of change; but the truth is the 9/11 event is simply a reaction of this big event which made the Arabian Peninsula under the occupation of a non-Muslim army.

After the Soviets left Afghanistan in ’89, there were some clashes between the Afghanis themselves. Osama preferred to not participate in this local war so he went to Sudan, and he started some charity and political programs. But the American government did not like the presence of Osama in Sudan, so it put the Sudanese government under pressure to make Osama leave Sudan. When Osama felt that he was undesirable there he returned back to Afghanistan, and the old Mujahideen gathered around him again, then they waited until the Taliban ruled the Afghan cities.

When Osama saw the honesty of these students (Taliban) and their determination to make a real change in Afghanistan, then they made the historical alliance with each other, he fought with the Taliban against other Afghani groups till they succeeded in uniting most of Afghanistan, and Osama became one of the best and nearest friends of the Taliban leaders and their Commander “Mullah Omar”.
The whole Islamic world was angry because of the entrance of America into the Arab lands, because this land is very special to them than any other land. The interference of America in Iraq and killing more than a million and a half Iraqis – a half million (of whom) were children – and also the American assistance to the Jews in Palestine with money and arms had the most effect on Osama and his friends who went out to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviets and then they realized that America is fighting them in the dark.

Then they declared war on it, also they realized that America is behind all the calamities of the Muslims. So, Osama announced that America should leave the Arab lands.

America worked on chasing the Mujahideen everywhere, it was also ordering Arab countries’ to catch anyone who returned from Afghanistan and place them in prisons and excruciate them badly.

A lot of wars started between Muslims against others in Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo, Sudan, Somalia, Philippine, China, and Kashmir; the Muslims there were oppressed and Osama was helping all these Muslims (by) sending them men and money so they can be delivered from injustice and despotism. What he did made him famous and well known amongst all Muslims.

Osama and his group realized that America was the main reason for most of the trouble of Muslims because it supports the dictator regimes in Muslim countries’. Also, because it corrupts the people in charge in the Muslim world, and preventing these countries from development and advancement. America’s biggest crime is the adapting of the Jewish bands in Palestine: They provided them money and advanced arms to kill Muslims there, and Palestine – like the Arabian Peninsula – is very special to Muslims.

Arabs lived in Palestine before Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was born, you may know – from your holy book – that Ibrahim emigrated from Iraq to Palestine and the Arabs were already there, then he begot Ismail and Isaac, and Isaac begot Jacob, this Jacob is “Israel” (peace be upon all the Prophets of Allah). Jacob immigrated to Egypt and he stayed with his descendants there for four hundred years, then they left it under the leadership of Moses (peace be upon him) to the land of Labyrinth in Siena and they stayed there for forty years. Then the children of Israel entered the land of Palestine and they expelled the Arabs. As Muslims, we believe that at that time the children of Israel deserved the blessed land of Palestine because the Arabs were heathens and the children of Israel believed in Allah, the Creator.

The children of Israel stayed in Palestine for centuries, and then Allah sent Jesus, the son of Mary (peace be upon him) and the Jews disbelieved in him and oppressed his followers. Then Allah decreed that the followers of Jesus loot the land of Palestine from the Jews because they renounced the religion of Moses and did not believe in Jesus (peace be upon them). Palestine stayed under the rule of the followers of Jesus – who quickly changed the constitution of Allah – until the Arabs who followed Muhammad (peace be upon him) took back Palestine from the Romans. Then it remained under the rule of Muslims for thirteen centuries. And when Muslims strayed away from their religion and the instructions of the Prophet, Allah imposed the British-French occupation upon them, and Britain took Palestine, but the Muslims did not revise themselves and return back to their religion. So Allah punished them by dominating the blessed land with the most hateful and antagonizing people towards them: the Jews.

The land of Palestine was not taken from the Muslims except because they strayed away from the instructions of their religion, and this was realized by the prudent Muslims, and they started calling the people to return back to their religion so that they could free Palestine. A lot of Muslim scholars scarified themselves in this cause, Osama bin Laden was one of these who called the Muslims to return back to the original instructions of the Islamic religion, so that Palestine returns back to the Muslims anew.
Read the Second Part of this Article:  Why did Osama declare war on America (Part 2)
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