Why did Osama declare war on USA - Pt 2

12 January 2014

Osama Bin Ladin
This historical introduction is important (in order) to know the beliefs of Osama and his thoughts and ideology. I do not know – O American – if you are following the news of Osama; but I will remind you of his historical promise after the event of 9/11 when he said: “I swear by Almighty Allah who raised the heavens without any pillars, that America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all the infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad, peace be upon him”. And the one who knows Osama’s history, he will realize that Osama lived to abide (by) his promise.

They are telling you that Osama is a terrorist, and we do not deny this, what we deny is the meaning of terrorism that they have not define yet!! America conducted war on: Japan, Germany, and the Soviet (Union). Imagine that Japan occupied California, Washington, Seattle, and Arizona. What will you do!! If Germany occupied Washington D.C and Florida or if the Soviets occupied Georgia, New York, and Virginia; are you going to stay at home and wait until they go out whenever they want!! What if some Americans resisted the Japanese occupation or Germans’ Hitlerism occupation or Soviet occupation!! Are the ones fighting them from (among) the Americans, terrorists?! What if some Americans performed bomb blasts inside Japan or Germany or Soviet (Union) after these occupations!! Will this be considered terrorism?!

We do not deny that Osama is a terrorist, he terrorized his enemies indeed; but the question is: Why did Osama become a terrorist!!

Let me tell you a little about Osama’s personality… he was a quiet natured man, he talked little, he laughed little, very shy, very generous, limitlessly modest. Although he was a rich man but he lived like the poor people, he ate like them, slept like them, when you would talk to him, he would listen to you until you would feel that you are his only friend, tender hearted; he liked poetry, literature, and reading, he loved riding horses, anybody who sat with him liked him even if they were his enemy due to his politeness and respect for others. And on top of all of this, he was smart having inherited it from his uncles, he was brave having inherited it from his civilization origin, and he was faithful having inherited it from his motherland.

These are some of the qualities of Osama, and they are not even an inch bit exaggerated, and those who saw him and stayed with him and met him are witness to these qualities… So, stay with me now to understand: How is it possible for someone with these qualities to become a terrorist!!

As I told you: Osama was born in the Arabian Peninsula, and the people of this land are from the greatest lovers of freedom. There is no nation on the face of this earth who loves freedom like this nation, and that is why the people of the Arabian Peninsula preferred to live in its deserts for tens of centuries rather than migrating to the nearby developed cities. That’s because they do not like to act under the rule of a king or an emperor. They lived free for long centuries in a land with scarce water, vegetation and animals, and due to this rugged and harsh environment: these people have developed a sort of pride and defiance and self respect, such that they cannot accept to be enslaved or ruled over or politicized. Throughout history they were never ruled by a king or commander, except after the inspiration of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he ruled them with the religion, and had it not been for religion no one would have succeeded in ruling over them for the people of this land have not given in to the rule of anyone except the rule of Allah the Almighty.

This background is necessary to understand the level of hatred of the people of the Arabian Peninsula generally – and Osama especially – towards the American army that has soiled their land and occupied their country, and perhaps you (may) know the name of the Arabian Peninsula by “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” attributed to the family of “Al-Saud”, that was unified by the father of the current King – named Abd al-Aziz – this Peninsula, under his rule by the power of the sword after he declared his intention of ruling it with Islam. So the people of the Peninsula fought with him to unify it under the banner of religion. But then they discovered that he was supported by the British, and then the Americans, and then his sons allowed the American armies to enter the Arabian Peninsula under the pretext of freeing Kuwait. Thus, his betrayal to the banner of the religion and that of his sons became apparent.

Osama – O American – declared war upon your country for the following major reasons:

First: Its sponsorship of the criminal Jewish state in Palestine.
Second: Occupation of the Arabian Peninsula and the land of the Islamic revelation.
Third: Fighting Muslims in several Muslim lands.
Fourth: Supporting the dictator governments in the Islamic lands.
Fifth: Fighting against Islam itself and trying to spread opposing methodologies in the Islamic lands and trying to corrupt the manners and values of Muslims.
Sixth: The succeeding American governments were the reason for the death of millions of Muslims for the past thirty years.

These are the major reason that made this delicate, calm, humble, modest man turn into a dangerous and prominent terrorist, and into a man of war and resistance of a unique level… and any single reason from these reasons is enough to change the life of a man who possesses even a tiny bit of honor, then how about all these reason together?

The matter is not as it has been told to you through your media, for the truth is that most of the Muslims on earth hate the American government, and hate its policies and curse it day and night, and what you see on the television of support of the American government in the Arab countries is either fabricated, or is through agents who are deceiving their nations, for they do not represent the Muslims, and most of them are not Muslims. There are some atheists, opportunists and careerists in the Islamic countries as there are in America – maybe on a greater scale – and these have the media, and money and control, and they have not come to possess it except through the aid of the American government.

You ask about the reality of what Osama means to us, then I shall tell you on behalf of most of the Muslims on earth:

Osama represents the ancient Islamic culture blended with the greatness of Islam… Osama is the living conscience of Muslims and the soul of freedom inspiring the Islamic Ummah anew…

Osama – O American – is the model of truth that fought oppression through the passage of history… Osama – O American – is a man who gathered the political benefits and presented it for the service of the just Muslim causes, for he is like George Washington who unified America and led the fight against Britain, and he is like Lincoln who freed the slaves in America and united the north and south, and he is like Martin Luther who fought for the freedom of the negroes in America…

But Osama is different from these because he is a Muslim who fights and plans for his methodology and religion, and is different from them in that he fights for a global freedom and not for a nationality or local race or region, and is different from them in that his enemies are: All the tyrant governments that oppress their nation or other nations in the world, and if you see who fought Osama, then you would see how the governments famous for oppressing their people and stealing the riches of the nations allied against him, for Osama revealed all of these tyrants and wanted the people to stand up and demand their true rights, and this is what made most of the governments of the earth chase him and try to silence his voice so that people remain in their slumber and they (would) be at liberty for their oppression and tyranny and steal the riches of the nations.

Osama – O American – spent his life in order to unify the Muslims, and in order to free them from the rope of slavery placed upon their necks by the governments, those governments that are allied to the successive governments of America… Osama fought for the honor of the Muslims and their religion…

Osama – O American – is the example of truthfulness and purity and the right jealousy for the human values, that truth which you know and other Americans know is practically nonexistent with the policy of the White House, and with the governments of the east and west on this earth…

Osama – O American – was the last beautiful thing that passed away from the face of the earth… I say beautiful because the governments of earth have changed the truth, and decorated the lies, and has made politics into cunning, deceit and personal gains, whereas Osama returned politics to its true, real meaning with the knowledgeable ones and those with understanding, for politics to him was: returning the rights to the deserving, and truth and trustworthiness, and honor, and giving and disassociation from the money of people and sacrificing in the way of fulfilling their interests… perhaps – O American – you might not know the meaning of most of these words, and we do not blame you, because you live in an environment drowned in self-centeredness and self-love and phony and concealed oppression in the form of capitalism, and silent transgression in the name of democracy…

I do not know how cultured you are, and I do not know if you understand most of what I wrote, but I cannot write about Osama except with these lofty meanings, because he was a lofty man who lived in a time in which lofty virtues had fallen, for he is from the era of the noble knights, and from the era of honorable fighters and from the era of loyal commanders.

Osama – O American – is all those virtues that your government is fighting on earth… he is all what your wretched government claims and is not… Osama is the manners that your country’s leaders claim and would not tolerate to be associated with out in public… Osama is the nobility that you read about in the books of history… What does Osama mean for the Muslims!!

Osama – O American – is the group of thousands of people who died in order to enable a better life for others, and sacrificed their most precious things so that those after them get the best of what they deserve… Osama – O American – is the soul of this Ummah and its living pulse that took form in a tall and lean figure!

Osama – O American – is the voice of truth at a time of corruption, and the voice of honor at a time of vanity and the voice of loftiness at a time of mediocrity… Osama is the memory of man at a time of forgetfulness…. Osama is the beating heart on the deathbed of the sons of man.

Every name has a meaning in its own cultural history, and Osama in our Arabic culture means: Lion, and this historic oath that was reflected in the corners of earth was nothing but a groan of this lion, after which he returned to his lair in the caves of Tora Bora and mountains of Suleiman and Hindu Kush, waiting to attack his prey, and perhaps you know that the lion does not roar a lot and does not produce sounds except a little, before pouncing on its prey and just like that Osama, his words were less and his speeches few…

Osama – O American – is the lion of Islam, who would not let the rats climb over his body, and who if roared, they would run without looking behind… The name of Osama was enough to terrorize every wolf or fox who wanted to dive at the flesh of the sons of man.

O American, tell those behind you from the people of your nation that Osama is alive in the heart of every free Muslim, and that his historic oath is engraved into the hearts of the Muslims and that peace is the farthest from Americans now, and that their coming days will be decisive in the history of their nations, for the sons of Osama and his brothers have decided to end the history of America forever…

Perhaps – O American – you are astonished by this statement and you have asked only to know, while you are aware that your country has of material ability such power that makes it awed in earth, but – O American – you do not know the reality of creed if it blends with the heart of the believer, for fighting is not weapons, and it is not ammunition, instead what directs the drum of victory is: the heart of men.

Osama – O American – represents the power of Islam that ruled the earth for more than 1200 years, and there was no America known to the old world, and America was not found by Columbus except after he got the maps that were drawn but the Muslim scholars of Andalusia and Italy, so your presence in America is due to some of the old Muslim scholars that resulted in the renaissance in Europe and America, that renaissance that has started blurring the fact that it was taken from the Islamic culture…

Osama – O American – came to remind the Muslims of their culture, and remind them of their glory, and remind them of their history, and to say to them, return to your religion to gain back your real status amongst the nations of the world, for the Ummah of Islam was not created except to lead humanity, and was not brought into existence except to become dominant upon all the nations, and Allah the Almighty decided in His book which He revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him) this truth, in the most profound and clear way when He said: “It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion.” He said it in these clear words in three places in the Quran assuring this eternal reality.

Osama – O American – is a new turning point in the history of earth, for Osama has awakened the conscience of Islam in the hearts of the Muslims after a long slumber, and he painted with his blood a frame of glory that was about to be wiped off from the life of the Muslims… Do you know – O American – that the Muslims did not accept condolence in Osama!! Perhaps – O American – you will be shocked to know if I tell you that many Muslims in several lands congratulated each other on the martyrdom of Osama, and that some of them distributed sweets amongst the people!! Do you understand the meaning of distributing sweets on the death of the most beloved people to their heart!

If it was in my hand, I would have sacrificed my life and all my sons so that Osama would live amongst us, but I, until now, have not shed a single tear on Osama, and if I cry, I cry on myself for not having achieved what Osama achieved… many people talk about their cause and rights, but only a very few of these people are ready to die for those rights, and Osama – O American – was not only prepared to die for them, he was wishing for it every moment, for death in the way of creed is from the greatest of what a true believer wants in his belief…

Perhaps I have prolonged upon you this talk, but I have not mentioned except the little of little about Osama and what Osama means for the Muslims, and if I knew that you would not get bored I would have made you read for several continuous days about Osama and what Osama meant and the reality of Osama… and perhaps I may summarize in these few expressive words and call you to reflect upon them excessively…

The culture of truth and human loftiness means – Osama…

Written by Sheikh Husain Bin Mahmoud
Source: http://muwahhidmedia.wordpress.com 

Read Part 1 of the Article: Why did Osama declare war on America (Part 1)

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