Golden Mein: Surrender of Jerusalem [Part 7]

28 June 2013

Following Yarmuk—the decisive battle on Roman front, Byzantines didn’t have the courage to engage the victorious forces in another major battle. Nearly two millennia of battle experience had come to naught in confrontation with a force with a different take of battle than was conceived by the Romans or Iranians—two super powers of 7th century. The two Empires held that role from 500 B.C until 3rd decade of 7th century—more or less 1800 years. Their battle gear, the armed formations were in essence defence oriented. The offence would only be attempted, once the defence would be wearied down sufficiently. Offence had to as risk free as possible. Arabs on the contrary even is pre-Islamic times would enter a battle head on. Islam provided discipline to offensive tendencies and more important--co-ordination. These new traits acted as force multipliers. Battle formations of Islamic forces thus assumed a potency that Romans and Iranians found very hard to combat. They tended to avoid death, Islamic forces embraced it. Death and destructions thus stalked Romans and Iranians. 

Al-Quds is sacred to Jews, Christians, as well as Muslims, being their Qibla-i-Awal. The Patriarch of Jerusalem sued for peace, with a rider. The willingness to surrender was subjected to presence of Khalifat-ul-Muslimeen--Hazrat Omar Farooq (RA). The historical setting carries some deft touches, very much relevant to present day scenario in Al-Quds. The Commander-in-Chief of Muslim forces, Hazrat Abu Obadiah Ibn Al-Jarah (RA) could easily have overlooked the rider and entered Al-Quds. He did not, the reason is not far enough to fetch. Like the modern day occupants of Al-Quds right from David Ben Gurion, to Manheim Begin, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, and Ariel Sharon and Netanyahu, the Muslims never wanted blood to be shed in the holy premises. The present occupants don’t shirk or shudder to shed it. 

Hazrat Abu Obadiah Ibn Al-Jarah (RA) dispatched SOS to the Caliph in Medina to be present in person to accept surrender. The Caliph saw the wisdom that the suggestion entailed and left the capital to care of Hazrat Ali [RA]. The travel to Syria of the Caliph forms an important chapter of Islamic lore. The Caliph left without a guard or fanfare. No trumpet was sounded, nor did the sirens wail. One wonders, what was his escort? Simplicity, events seem to suggest. Traveling like any other Bedouins [man of the desert] nothing suggested that he could be the Caliph.  He and his attendant rode the horseback, believe it or not, by turns, relate some accounts. While as Ameer Ali in his ‘History of Saracens’ mentions only one attendant accompanying him , Shubli Numani’s account talks of few Mahajarin [Meccan migrants] and few Ansars [Medinite helpers].

As he neared Jabiah, Syedena Omar Farooq [RA] he witnessed Muslim commanders waiting to receive him dressed in silks of finest loom, relates Shubli Numani. The Caliph flew into rage. Down he jumped from his horse and pelted pebbles at his commanders for trading simplicity with glamour. He was pacified only when they showed the cuirasses [steel armour] beneath the silk robes, indicating battle readiness. On climbing a hillock, he saw charming fields and towering edifices of Damascus. He was moved to say “They have left many a garden, fountain, park, arbour and riches, which they used to enjoy. Thus it is that we put a late generation in possession thereof”. All this indicates and there are other instances to suggest that the great Caliph was apt to put a question mark on what the surfeit of riches do to a society. The softening effect makes mouse of men, the resultant is the decay and the ultimate rout. History is full of what Syedena Omar Farooq (RA) meant to say.

Jabiah is where the peace treaty was signed, says Tabari, Ameer Ali concurs. Baladhuri and Azdi differ and quote Jerusalem as the venue. Whatever the venue, what matters is the content. Christians were accorded free exercise of religion and allowed keeping their churches. Only light taxation was imposed. Following the signing of treaty, he left for Jerusalem, where Sophronius, the patriarch received him. On a tour of holy sites, it got to prayer time. Syedena Omar (RA) refused to pray inside the ‘Church of Resurrection’ opting to pray on the steps of ‘Church of Constantine’. He told the ‘Patriarch’ were he to pray inside the Church, revered by Christians, on a later day Muslims might be tempted to claim the site as holy, on the plea of their Amer-ul-Momineen having prayed there. It shows how conscious was Syedena Omar (RA) of his station and status and how keen was the foresight. His prayer could have developed into a bone of contention and he was keen to avoid such an eventuality. Whoever talks of the Muslims and the sword?! Has ever a conqueror in history been as humble, as benevolent as Syedena Omar Farooq (RA). In fact there was no victor or vanquished, the attempt, the quest, the craving was for dissemination of a universal massage of brotherhood, peace and amity amongst nations.

While in Al-Quds, one day, at the stroke of a prayer, Syedena Omar (RA) asked Hazrat Bilal (RA) to break the self imposed ban on Azan following departure of Prophet (PBUH) to his heavenly abode and call the faithful to prayer. Hazrat Bilal (RA) made an exception. The Suhaba-i-Ikram (Illahi Rahma) wept unabashedly, remembering the times, when the greatest ever born (pbuh) welded men of the most mismanaged societal combination in history…pre-Islamic Arabs into the finest ever combination of men. The formation thus was filling fast the geopolitical space being yielded by great powers of past. History had never ever such a miracle. 

Yaar Zinda, Sohbat Baqi [Reunion is subordinate to survival]

By Dr. Javid Iqbal
Feedback on: Iqbal.

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